Es ist Ende Juli, das Sommersemster an der HfM Würzburg neigt sich dem Ende zu und das Jazz Vocal Ensemble unter meiner Leitung hat das Corona-Experiment "Virtueller Chor" fortgesetzt. "Esperanto" ist eine Komposition von Vince Mendoza (Originaltitel "Esperança") mit einem Text des Jazz Poeten Kurt Elling. Ich liebe diese Lyrics! Viel Spaß beim Lauschen & bleibt gesund!
There is a secret that never dies Like a song of hidden meanings that we never apprehend. There are questions just as old as time And the answers that come never quite make amends. Even so, when you look at time You can get a subtle feeling of the way it ought to be. Take a good look at your own real life And you'll see if you want what you've gotten to be. It's a hope, a sign, a measure of quiet rapture Of love and what might come after. It's letting go, and letting no answer be an answer. How did smoke learn how to fly? - Where do birds go off to die? Why does coal sleep in darkness? - Do dreams live in apartness? Is a number forever? - where's the soul of the water? How old is old November? - No one here can remember. If I die, where does time go? - Do the bees feel vertigo? To get love - is there potion? - Or is love only motion Holy lift, holy reading - holy gift, holy needing. Holy sound, holy waiting - holy spark animating Holy food, holy breathing - holy light interweaving. Holy night, holy handwrite - holy flight, holy insight: Holy sun, holy brother - holy moon, holy mother. Holy dream, holy vision - holy scheme, holy mission: Holy one to another - holy me, holy other. Holy lives, holy blending - holy start, holy ending. Holy lives, holy blending - holy start, holy ending.
Words by Kurt Elling Music by Vince Mendoza Arranged by Réjean Marois
Jazz Vocal Ensemble Hochschule für Musik Würzburg, Germany
Ensemble Direction: Michelle Walker
Singers fltr:
Lea Seyboth (Sop 2)
Bettina Langmann (Sop 1)
Hannah-Lara Müller (Sop 1)
Vera Krumgant (Alt)
Anastasija Sanina (Alt)
Simon Schneid (Bass)
Daniel Martin (Bass)
Jan-Peter Itze (Ten)
Thomas Eilingsfeld (Bass)
Tilman Brand (Ten)
Tobias Allgaier (Ten)
Bernd Ketterl (Ten)
Kevin Pfister (Piano)
Alexander Scheller (Bass)
Maximilian Autsch (Drums)
Piano & Drums recorded by NikolausRecordings www.jiranikolaus.de
Audio Production Voices: Tilman Brand
Video Production: Michelle Walker